A Place for Mom
Assisted Living
Memory Care
Independent Living
Senior Living
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Meet our team

A Place for Mom fulfills our mission to enable caregivers to make the best senior living decisions as a result of our talented employees. Here’s what makes their jobs rewarding – in their own words.

Darren E
Senior Living Advisor
Overland Park

"I love meeting new people everyday and seeing how I can make a difference in their lives."

Jaye K
Small Business Account Manager
Overland Park

"It’s rewarding to know what I do makes a positive impact in the lives of so many families."

Jane D
Senior Living Advisor
Midwest Region

“It’s a unique gift to be able to safeguard and lend my voice to advocate for our senior population.”

Kerie F
Healthcare Account Executive
Southeast Region

"We provide a positive outcome for caregivers and their loved ones as they navigate senior living options."

Alma M
Senior Living Advisor
Southern California Region

"My passion is to continually learn and find new ways to deliver the highest level of service to our families."

Erica D
Customer Success Manager
Midwest Region

“We do really good work here and change people’s lives It’s so rewarding to help families.”

Michael P
Senior Living Advisor

“I like finding solutions and being a good resource for families.”

Grant L
Senior Living Advisor
Overland Park

“The senior living advisor position is a great opportunity with a growing company.”

Lisa M
Healthcare Account Executive
Northeast Region

“I love knowing that what I do makes a difference in the quality of someone’s life.”

Leanna B
Healthcare Account Executive
MidWest Region

“It never gets old to hear a sense of relief in a caregiver’s voice when they realize we are here to help.”

Ashley R
Senior Recruiting Partner
New York

“I enjoy working for a mission-driven company. Everyone is dedicated to being a comprehensive senior living resource.”

Dwiyana H
Senior Living Advisor
Southeast Region

"I love that I can be of service to an aging population and their families who need help finding a solution to meet their needs. It's very rewarding."

Join the most innovative team in the senior living industry